Making New Jersey Red Sauce

27 August 2016


This is the holy grail that appears in my local New Jersey farmers’ markets in good years about late August: a huge basket of ripe tomatoes for a very small price. That’s the time to make red sauce!

Fresh tomatoes have abundant water, so much that it can make the sauce too thin. Roasting the tomatoes first solves this problem and adds huge flavor. I also recommend processing and using the skins, a roasted tomato skin blends down to a thick paste with all kinds of flavor, no waste! Altho running the oven on a sweaty August day when the A/C is running hard just kills me, the result is great. I’ve tried parboiling the tomatoes to remove the skins, but that yields a watery sauce.

This yields 8-10 cups of finished sauce, plenty for several meals.




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